Do You Ever Wish You Had Taken
a Different Path?
Have you ever looked back on your life and wondered what if?
What if I had learned more about myself, others, and the world around me before I launched into life as an adult?
What if I had taken time to consider my direction at this
significant stage in my life?
For this generation, the transition to adulthood
is even more significant. They are faced with challenges
never experienced in the past:
More educated but less prepared for employers who want experience and life skills
Delayed and confused about making life decisions like career and family
Facing a high risk of mental illness and addiction
More connected digitally than any other generation but yet have relational challenges
Unaware of their natural abilities and their personal values
You can help a young leader find their path forward
When emerging adults learn to lead relationally and share power, they will change the world…no regrets.
We have designed a Whole Person Development Model
that teaches young adults to…
by taking action as a whole person…mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. This challenges them to be more aware of themselves, others, and the world around them.
by taking a step back in order to process past and present experiences, actions, thoughts, sensations, and feelings. This enables them to move forward with clarity and purpose.
by taking steps to communicate and connect with people in meaningful and authentic ways. This develops openness and flexibility and leads to valuing the individual contributions of others.